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React & Jest: ResizeObserver is not defined

Painting of mountains

While running some Jest tests in React projects, this error can occur: ReferenceError: ResizeObserver is not defined. Usually, it's due to the ResizeObserver not being available in your test environment.


We need to mock the ResizeObserver.

Create a file in your project's root directory, e.g. setup-jest.js, with the following content.

beforeAll(() => {
  global.ResizeObserver = class {
    observe() {}
    unobserve() {}
    disconnect() {}

Add the path to the newly created file to setupFilesAfterEnv in jest.config.js.

setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/setup-jest.js"],

Alternatively, you can use a .ts extension for the file if your Jest config is also a .ts file.