Who am I?
My developer code name is n-d-r-d-g (pronounced as underdog). I'm a web developer and I love resolving business problems with development-related solutions. I'm constantly searching for tools, methods and technologies to improve user experience.
My journey started, a couple of years ago, in the corporate industry in Mauritius. A year later, as I wasn’t quite comfortable with the direction towards which my career was headed, I started getting seriously interested in web development.
From then onward, I dedicated myself in learning the craft from several colleagues and online resources. During the years, I've had the opportunity to work on numerous projects. I’m also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others through collaboration and coaching.
This website
The objective of this website is to showcase information about me, my work and everything in between.
I've always wanted a place to present my work and share ideas. Even if it took a while before I made up my mind to build this website, I had a clear goal in my mind.
So, during my free time, I got myself to start designing everything in a design software, structured my CMS (Content Management System), and finally wrote the code.
My work
Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to test multiple point of views and approaches to development. This has led me to be able to firmly state my values and processes, along with strong reasoning behind each of them.
Even if it’s practically impossible to deliver a custom website without bugs, I still have measures in place to deliver high quality solutions to my clients. Ensuring that accessible and responsive designs, the whole website’s content and the main API endpoints are ready before starting front-end development is crucial to building production-ready apps. This minimizes the number of back and forth, bugs and code size, while ensuring an optimal client and user experience.
I focus on building reusable, accessible, optimized, maintainable and tested components, which enable for high quality end products. I also pride myself on taking the time to make the right decision for any specific situation instead of digging in right away. This mental model is proven to be more effective on the long run.
Here are some languages and frameworks I work with:
A few projects I've built or contributed to.

DevConMU Scheduler
At the MSCC's Developers Conference 2024, held on the 18th - 20th of July, a few attendees complained about not being able to save the sessions they wanted to attend on the official website's agenda.
Initially, I wrote a script you could run in your browser to enable this feature. This was not the best solution for mobile device users.
So, I built DevConMU Scheduler, an app that allows you to save sessions you're interested in attending.

A community-driven solution to public processes in Mauritius. MUDOCS provides documentation that aims at being more user-friendly than the official alternatives. Document generators can also fill out duplicate information automatically and validate user input.
Ultimately, MUDOCS allows for a smoother approach to public processes. One example is the sale/purchase of second hand vehicles, where the steps can sometimes feel overwhelming, whether it's for first timers or even others.

Mauritius Tax Calculator
Mauritius Tax Calculator is an unofficial alternative to the MRA's tax calculator for employees in Mauritius that aims to make the PAYE tax charged by the MRA easier to calculate and understand.
I personally found it particularly hard to understand the tax system for employees based in Mauritius. So, I did some research, then built this tool. Before or during interviews, candidates can use it to get a quick view of how much they will be left with after taxes.

frontend.mu is a community built around the goal of improving the quality of front-end development in Mauritius.
Along with the support of sponsors, frontend.mu organizes monthly meetups which are completely free to attend. These meetups provide a platform for networking, increased visibility and knowledge sharing.
I'm inspired by this community, hence my regular contributions to the codebase, discussions and as a speaker.

30% of the world cook on open fire. Tembo Climate offers efficient (49% thermal efficiency) and safe building blocks for setting up cookstoves.
The app I was commissioned to build aimed to help in terms of logistics, mainly tracking raw materials (e.g. bricks), stove status, households, group members (i.e. people who would build the cookstoves).
Unfortunately, this app is not publicly available.
However, you can read more about this initiative here.

TheFutur was built to promote small businesses in Mauritius. It provides a search engine and allows users to view details about businesses.
A dashboard was also developed for administrators to update the app's content in an intuitive manner.
I got to partner with other developers on this project.
Unfortunately, the project I was involved in is no longer publicly available. However, you can still check out TheFutur's website to learn more.

Speaking for conferences is something I'm passionate about. Usually, speakers need their slides, which in turn need to be properly backed up and quick access to them is necessary.
One could use platforms like Google Slides but the idea of being dependent on proprietary software gives me chills, the creepy kind! After some research, I found out I could use open source packages to build my own platform. So, that's how Slides came to life.
Check out my other projects.
Want to read more? Check out my other posts.
Get in touch
If you want to talk, feel free to get in touch with me. Fill in the following form and I’ll get back to you a.s.a.p. Alternatively, you can chat with me on Discord.